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What Is the Value of a Hikari Star Wars Blue Stormtrooper

Given how popular Star Wars is to generations of fans, it will come as no surprise that the toys hold more than sentimental value. Over forty years of plastic creates quite a supply, but not all of it is created equal. Some of the most expensive toys ever are some of the most beloved Star Wars characters.

But which toys are the rarest and most expensive of all? Here are the ten rarest Star Wars toys and how much they cost (as of today!). Credit on photos to the amazing archive at Rebelscum, Action Figure Resource, and the Star Wars Collectors Archive!

10 Blue Snaggletooth - $500

Blue Snaggletooth is an early and classic example of what makes Star Wars toys so rare - and unique. Originally included exclusively with a Cantina Adventure Playset that kids could only get at Sears, he was rendered as a tall alien wearing a blue jumpsuit. Kenner realized Snaggletooth was actually tiny and red, and when he showed up on a single card in 1979, the Blue Snaggletooth was revised out of existence. Consequently, he's highly sought after, commanding over $500 in his mint plastic baggie.

9 Yakface - $4000

Yakface was meant to be offered on a card in the United States but never was. In 1985, the line wound down with a lack of interest from kids way more into G.I. Joe and Transformers. Yakface never made it to shelves, except overseas. For that reason, this figure is highly sought after by fans around the world, commanding up to $4000. If he's on the card, particularly with the collector's coin that was included with the Power of the Force line, then Yakface will run you much more. Much more.

8 Special Action Figure Sets - $10,000

Early on in the Kenner line, the company offered the normally single-carded figures in special gift sets aimed at parents for holidays and birthdays and the like. These didn't see near the distribution of the regular line and their scarcity and value are astronomical. Kenner produced several sets for both Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back, in different combinations that generally oriented around a common theme (good guys, bad guys, weird guys). Individual sets still in the package can command over $10,000 apiece.

7 FX-7 (Palitoy Tri-Logo) - $11,000+

A smaller but no less fascinating part of the Star Wars collecting world is foreign variations. While Kenner distributed Star Wars toys in the United States and Canada, Palitoy handled affairs in Europe. The figures stayed pretty much the same, but the cards varied significantly in some cases and produced unusual interests. FX-7 is one of those.

A common figure whose American card is not too expensive, his Tri-Logo Palitoy variation - different mostly in that the Kenner one proclaims him FX-7 (Medical Droid) and the Palitoy one just FX-7 - can range up to over $11,000 dollars.

6 Double Telescoping Luke Skywalker - $25,000+

Many of the most expensive Star Wars toys are products of production oddities or extreme scarcity. Luke Skywalker is one of the former. By far one of the most produced figures in the line, when he first shipped in the Early Bird kit meant to tide anxious fans over, he came with a lightsaber that extended out of his arm to recreate the light-up effect. The initial saber telescoped twice, but the construction was complicated and Kenner feared the pieces being lost, so it was reduced to just once. Some versions of this figure shipped on single cards, and they run up to $25,000.

5 Vinyl Cape Jawa $28,000+

There are few figures that hold more mythical status among Star Wars collectors than the vinyl cape Jawa. But there are more expensive ones, which is lucky for folks who still harbor dreams of acquiring this little guy. When the Jawa debuted in 1978, he came with a vinyl plastic cape like the other figures in the line. Kenner saw it and thought it made the figure look too cheap for his (gasp!) two bucks and change asking price. So they quickly swapped out the vinyl cape for a cloth one, early enough in the run that many never realized the vinyl version existed. A carded example costs close to $30,000.

4 Vlix - $45,000+

Many collectors only found about Vlix as they went back to finish their collections as adults. But they didn't miss him - he was never available. At least not outside of Brazil. Vlix was intended to be part of the second wave of figures dedicated to the Droids animated series, but the line was canceled before it appeared. Despite this, Vlix was produced by Brazilian distributor Glassite, making him one of the rarest and most sought after toys no one has ever heard of. A carded Glassite Vlix runs about $45,000.

3 Double Telescoping Darth Vader - $64,000+

Like Luke Skywalker, the initial versions of Darth Vader came with the double telescoping lightsaber feature. Unlike Luke, next to none of these actually made it to market. The change was made before production on the single carded figures really ramped up, making this guy beyond expensive.

Examples of this figure are beyond rare and require very high-level authentication as fakes, unfortunately, have become a factor in the hobby. A carded version of a double telescoping Darth Vader would fetch about $64,000, at least.

2 Double Telescoping Obi-Wan $76,000+

Like Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader before him, the double telescoping variant of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi is so rare he is the stuff of legends. It's difficult to ascertain who is actually rarer - Vader or Obi-Wan - but a helpful guide is that a carded example of Obi-Wan sold at auction in 2018 sold for over $76,000. Only a few examples are thought to still exist. Should a person decide to invest in one, the rather short length of the thin portion of the saber - that needle-like bit sticking out - is a good hint that the figure is the double telescoping version.

1 Rocket Firing Boba Fett - $150,000

Almost everybody says they had one, and no one did. Kenner intended for Boba Fett to include a rocket-firing backpack when he mailed out to kids in a little white cardboard box, but after an unfortunate accident involving another toy company, they abandoned the idea. Still, around two dozen or so prototypes in various stages of production - some painted, some just cast in blue plastic - survive. These are the most expensive Star Wars toys of them all. A recent auction saw one go for almost $150,000.

NEXT: Star Wars: 10 Best Closet Cosplay You Must See


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